Video Game Review: Pinball FX2 – Sorcerer’s Lair & Mars

PC Release Date: May 10, 2013 Lead Designers: Zen Studios I've talked about the concept of mastery in previous video game reviews. Some games are narrative experiences. Some are strategic affairs where your engagement depends upon the level of your competition. And others fall into the class of repetitive tasks just begging to be mastered … Continue reading Video Game Review: Pinball FX2 – Sorcerer’s Lair & Mars

Video Game Review: Dungeon of the Endless

RELEASE DATE: October 27, 2014 LEAD DESIGNER: Amplitude Studios Dungeon-crawling has long been one of the central pillars of video gaming. Whether it is Adventure on the Atari 2600, or the Wizardry series and Moraff's World on the PC, the concept of exploration and interaction is perfectly suited to the video game format. Even games not traditionally … Continue reading Video Game Review: Dungeon of the Endless

Video Game Review: Curious Expedition

Release Date: September 2, 2016 Publisher: Maschinen-Mensch Primary Developers: Riad Djemili (code) and Johannes Kristmann (art) Over the past 10+ years, there has been a resurgence in pixel art in video games. Whether it's Minecraft, Shovel Knight, or Hotline Miami, all aim for a simpler, lower-resolution aesthetic. Some have written-off this trend as empty retro-ism, … Continue reading Video Game Review: Curious Expedition